Friday, March 18, 2011


This week's assignment was the most difficult task we've had yet.  When creating a character my strong point is usually drawing on paper, not on the computer.  This classed introduced the drawing aspect of Photoshop to me. Therefore, I had no prior knowledge or experience on how to use them.

I started out using the pen tool to make the shapes I wanted. I later deleted it and made shapes first, then altered them into the shape I wanted.  I honestly had no expectations as to how my monster would turn out. These techniques are all new to me, so I'm satisfied with what I've created. I think it's acceptable for a beginner. But I must admit that my monster would not have turned out the way it does if Grant didn't help me. He helped me with the color and shading aspects. All I really wanted was for the monster to look snake/lizard like, which I feel I achieved; therefore, I'm satisfied. However, after seeing what my classmates have created I definitely want to keep practicing my skills because I know in time I can create a character just like theirs.

Thank you Grant!!!   ~~~RL

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week #6 Sketchbook: Drawing

1) a place you would like to go: China
This weekend I was on the road for softball. We had a four hour drive to Washington so I used it for homework. It was not the best idea. When it comes to drawing I need to be comfortable and have a solid, sturdy surface to write on; the bus provided none of that. So, I saved this assignment for when I got back to campus. 

2) something you can eat: Musubi
I liked the idea of incorporating the pirate and ninja into the drawing. In the first drawing I tried to be sneaky about it as best I could. The biggest challenge was getting the dimensions and angles just right. When drawing an object in 2D you have to be careful of where a line ends and where one starts, as well as the angles in which they are drawn. If you don't then your finished product will not look like what you had hoped for. In the second drawing I chose to make it a prominent feature of the overall product. Aside from the bus, another problem I faced was drawing human features. Personally, I think that hands, feet, hair, rice, noodles, and lettuce are the hardest things to draw decently. I am the type of drawer that needs to look at something in order to draw it. Thus, it was difficult for me to get the ninja's hands right. His left hand caused me the most trouble. I got the idea to take a Photobooth photo of my own hand in the position in which I wanted to draw the ninja's hand in; the idea was successful. Shading was also a challenge. I wanted to spice up my drawing so I added shading to make it more dimensional. It took a while to get the darkness and look just right. ~~~RL

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week #6 Discussion: Social Media

In this day and age technology is the epicenter.  Likewise, social media and networking has gained dominance as a quintessential communication outlet.  Emerging as the popular networks are Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Tumblr.  It has gotten to the point where it would be considered odd for someone to not have an account on either site.  For this reason businesses are beginning to use these social networks as their top means of advertising and attracting business.
I too have a Facebook account, and since day one I have been hooked.  Personally, I have not had to use Facebook to accomplish any goals in particular--unless keeping in touch with friends counts as one.  After graduation I made a promise to myself that would make every effort to stay close with my friends and not lose touch with them; Facebook makes this possible.  I check my account daily and am obsessed with the ability to keep in touch with all of my friends, and even find friends that I have not seen for a long time.  Especially now that I am away at college and all of my classmates and friends have gone their separate ways, Facebook makes it possible for us to keep our relationships.  With Facebook I am able to keep up with what my friends are up to as well as what is going on at home.
I also like how Facebook brings the world closer together.  I can become a fan of pages and keep up with the latest information.  For example, I can be among the first to know about a sale at my favorite store, notified when my favorite bands will be in concert near me, or that my favorite celebrity got a new hairdo; the possibilities are endless.  A new fad is that people are now making pages to showcase their talents (i.e. singing, dancing, photography, etc.).  I can better use these facilities for inspiration.  Whether it be a writing topic for a class assignment, subject for a documentary, a subject to draw, to learn on photography techniques, or get new ideas for a photo shoot.  The Internet is an never ending giver, to fail to utilize it at its full potential would be a waste. ~~~RL