Friday, March 18, 2011


This week's assignment was the most difficult task we've had yet.  When creating a character my strong point is usually drawing on paper, not on the computer.  This classed introduced the drawing aspect of Photoshop to me. Therefore, I had no prior knowledge or experience on how to use them.

I started out using the pen tool to make the shapes I wanted. I later deleted it and made shapes first, then altered them into the shape I wanted.  I honestly had no expectations as to how my monster would turn out. These techniques are all new to me, so I'm satisfied with what I've created. I think it's acceptable for a beginner. But I must admit that my monster would not have turned out the way it does if Grant didn't help me. He helped me with the color and shading aspects. All I really wanted was for the monster to look snake/lizard like, which I feel I achieved; therefore, I'm satisfied. However, after seeing what my classmates have created I definitely want to keep practicing my skills because I know in time I can create a character just like theirs.

Thank you Grant!!!   ~~~RL

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