Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week #8 Discussion: Group Work

I like working in groups for school projects. Personally, I favor working in a group for group projects rather than solitary--especially for art projects. However, this is only if everyone pulls their own weight. I don't mind sharing the work load, as long as it is delegated equally. I don't like when others take advantage of their partners and let the work load fall on those who care too much about their grade and end up doing the work of others.

Group work should be a collaboration of many different perspectives. I feel the finished product is much more elaborate and well rounded when more than one view point is incorporated. The ideal group would consist of people willing to put forth an honest and efficient work ethic as well as contribute time and effort to the project and group. The assignment should be distributed evenly amongst each member. Furthermore, each member should know and follow through with his or her's responsibilities. Each member should be open to other's opinions as well as be able to freely voice their own opinion. Members should be considerate of their partners and should only provide constructive criticism. If all is followed, the group setting and project should be nothing less than successful.   ~~~RL

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