Monday, February 7, 2011

Level Adjustments

I chose this picture of the Oceanside Beach to demonstrate level adjustments. I wanted to enhance the saturations of colors throughout the image and bring out the detail of the clouds. To do this I went to the levels command in Photoshop and moved around the scale buttons to see the level fluctuations. I decided not to touch the white scale because white is already prominent throughout the image and the photo is bright as it is. Accordingly, I also left the black scale where it was to keep whatever dark components the image had. I moved the gray scale higher to bring more contrast and color saturation, which also enhanced the detail in the clouds. Next I made a new layer and put a dark gray gradient over the sky to bring even more depth and detail into the clouds. The end result is the image you see to the right.
As a side note, I used the stamp/cloning button to sample the cloud color around the date and time label to eliminate it from the picture.   ~~~RL

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