Monday, February 14, 2011

Week #2 Sketchbook: Curves Adjustments

The original photo has a sky that is too bright, and mountain that is too dark. Both factors prevent any detail from coming through. There is also a lack in vibrant colors.

To improve the photo I enhanced the amount of detail in both the sky and the mountain. To do this I altered the levels. I left the white tone where it was because the photo could use all the brightness it could get as there were more dark features than bright in the image. I moved the mid tone towards the darker end of the spectrum, which brought in detail from the sky. I then brought the black tone up to brighten up the mountain as best I could without taking away from the detail in the sky. I also made a curve layer to clean/pick up what the layer adjustments didn't. Last I adjusted the overall look of the image by changing the contrast and saturation accordingly. 


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